
Namisindwa District Emyooga Cash Defaulters Face Jail

NAMISINDWA: Namisindwa District authorities have warned all those who received Emyooga funds to refund the money or face arrest.
The district received Shs1.12 billion which was disbursed to 36 Saccos. According to Namisindwa RDC Fredrick Bangu, all Emyooga beneficiaries should ensure that they pay back all the monies they borrowed from their respective saccos to avoid being embarrassed.

Bangu sounded the warning while meeting Emyooga Sacco leaders at the District Council hall yesterday. He said that the recovery rate in Namisindwa is very poor and yet other associations are in need of funds.
Meanwhile, Bwayo Emma the Namisindwa Youth Councilor attributes the poor recovery of Emyooga funds to the covid pandemic which had a negative effect on all sectors of the economy. Bwayo said other means of recovering the money should be devised instead of arresting the defaulters.



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