
ISO DDG Col. Katabazi Jubilates After Spending 30yrs In Marriage

On Saturday, all roads led to Rubaga Cathedral. The main task there was to join the Deputy DG/ISO Lt. Col. Katabazi Emma as he marked 30years in marriage with his wife.

The function which attracted cream de la cream of the Banyakigezi, was also attended by former prime minister who’s now Museveni’s special envoy John Patrick Amama Mbabazi. Amama was accompanied by his wife Jaclyn Mbabazi.

“Col. Katabazi sat directly near his wife as a sign of close monitoring and supervision to thwart threats. The couple kept could be seen whispering sweet messages and at times even shared oxygen. Katabazi kept spotting roving eyes on his wife smiling from ear to ear. One could really see that the couple enjoyed every inch of the service” says an inspector at the function.
We are told the spy chief took time to tell the world that for all the years he has been with his ‘speaking project’ he has never received any Intel suggesting that she wanted to divorce him for another man.

“I swear, Col. Katabazi is a lucky man. He got a faithful wife and she has been there for him through thick and thin. He showered her with a lot of praises describing her as the best friend ever to have come to his life. He swore to continue being faithful to her and vowed to deal with any potential threats from marauding city queens” days an inspector.

We are told Amama commended the couple for being faithful to each other and also for making a great contribution to the nation. He urged them to continue with that spirit. The wedding anniversary was attended by the couple’s pals including counsel Severino Twinobusingye and Henry Banyenzaki among others. They later hosted their guests to a sumptuous reception. Congs afande!

Tags : Col. Katabazi Emma


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