
Gen. Museveni Blocks NRM CEC Boss From Fleeing Uganda, Asks For Accountability!

Gen. Museveni

President Museveni is said to be itching to land his hands on a senior member of NRM Central Executive Committee (CEC) after he allegedly failed to account for the traumatizing defeat against NRM in Buganda region.
We’re informed that the head of state who’s also the NRM chairman wants Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi to give a convincing report about the NRM loss in Buganda immediately after he ousted Hajji. Abdu Nadduli.

This comes amid reports that Kiwanda a few days ago ‘rejected’ an ambassadorial job.
We have however, learnt that Museveni only got to know about these rumors on Monday and spent a better part of the day reaching out to his people in State House to know it’s source and motive.
“Let Ssuubi first account for Buganda (loss) before he thinks of taking off to exile (call it foreign affairs job)” says a senior inspector privy to the details from the General from Rwakitura.


Within the system, there is an itchy question as to why Buganda rejected NRM the moment Hajji. Abdu Nadduli was ejected from NRM CEC and replaced by Kiwanda Ssuubi who’s a former state minister for tourism.
We’re told up to now, Museveni wonders why Northern Uganda voted very well compared to Buganda which he takes as the Mecca of the party.

“Nadduli used to help us and now we’re in problems with him. He’s bitter with us yet he had preserved our vote. Kiwanda came and disorganized him and we ended up getting zero votes in Buganda. Who can explain a situation where not even a single minister in BUGANDA managed to return?” Says an Inspector adding that ‘Ssuubi when he became a CEC member for Buganda, we lost everything’
To Gen. Museveni according to Inspectors, ‘he (Ssuubi) has never explained to us. Even before he does this, I see he wants to run to exile?’
We’re told, the NRM top strategists want Kiwanda to first carry the cross of helping NRM recover it’s support at least to the level where Nadduli left it before he can go anywhere as a foreign service officer.

In fact, we are told Museveni is even determined to bring him back to cabinet with a sole task of him mobilizing BUGANDA instead of ‘thinking of running away’ from what he allegedly started.
This week, Kiwanda Ssuubi has been in the news where it was stated that he, alongside other politicians like Mukasa Mbidde (DP) had been ‘vetted’ by cabinet for ambassador jobs.
Kiwanda was alleged to be going to Ethiopia while Mbidde was alleged to be going to Beijing. However, inspectors said Museveni is not willing to change his team in Addis Ababa led by Amb. Rebecca Amuge Otengo who is also Uganda’s Permanent Representative to AU, IGAD and UNECA.

“Do these people know even what she’s doing (in Addis Ababa)? She has done a tremendous job there. For the first time, I am seeing the work of AU” an inspector quoted Museveni as saying upon getting reports that he (Museveni) was about to send Kiwanda Ssuubi to Addis Ababa as ambassador.
Our Inspectors also suggested that it has never happened in the history of NRM where Gen. Museveni deployed two people on the level of ministers in one place or Mission.
Otengo herself is a former minister for Northern Uganda while Kiwanda is also a former minister for tourism.

“First of all, where is the budget in Addis Ababa to cater for the two ministers? Its not there!” An inspector says as he explained the mood of mzee when he commented on the rumors.
According to Inspectors, Sevo has always sent soldiers as defacto Deputy heads of missions where he deploys a former minister or politician as a full ambassador.


Inspectors said currently, Africa is at what was termed as a CRITICAL moment reason being that many countries are facing military coups, COVID-19 effects on the economies and terrorism. For example in Mali, the men in uniform took over government and we’re told Museveni is among those trying to help stabilize the situation there under the auspices of African Union. On the other hand, through the efforts of his ambassador Rebecca Amuge Otengo alongside her team back home at Ministry of Foreign Affairs including ministers Gen. JeJe Odongo, John Mulimba, Henry Okello Oryem and the Permanent Secretary Vincent Waiswa Bagiire, the president is happy that he’s now a member on various AU support arrangements.

These include Committee of Ten (C-10) countries working towards causing reforms in the UN Security Council, Member of AU Peace and Security Council, NEPAD among other vital organisations making his influence on the continent being rivaled by none.
This explains why Uganda has been able to host a number of AU meetings including APRM for Youth, the C-10 among others.

“Museveni of recent has become a champion of stability and development on the continent. He’s now taken seriously on the continent. His opinion is sought every time. We’re at a critical moment in Africa and I think that’s why he values Addis Ababa (read AU) so much. He’s getting results” says a top inspector. It should be recalled that a few days ago, even First Son Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba was in Addis for 3 days for high level meetings.
The president has gone ahead to give AU meetings more clout by deploying high level delegations instead of relying on papers presented to him like it was the case during those days sacked PS Amb. Mugoya was in charge.

“If he’s not going for a meeting (AU) himself, he has raised the stake and now he sends the Vice President. This is a new phenomenon and shows the level of importance he attaches to the AU unlike before” an inspector said, adding the current team in Addis Ababa led by Otengo and his ministers back home plus the PS are making wonders for the president.
We’re told, JeJe when he was posted to foreign affairs, he found that actually, his predecessor Sam Kutesa would sometimes foot his own travel bills as the song remained ‘No budget, no budget’.

The perception especially among legislators was that foreign affairs meant mere travels abroad for leisure activities.
“PS Bagiire on his arrival and JeJe have been articulating this to the committee of foreign affairs. The team has been explaining to members that anything that crosses Uganda’s border becomes foreign affairs. Be it trade, Agriculture, education etc, it’s foreign affairs. There are meetings we have to attend but there is no budget” says an Inspector.
So terrible the situation is that whereas Addis Ababa is a major strategic area to Uganda, the country (Uganda) has no home there unlike other countries.

And yet, Addis Ababa houses the AU headquarters and all it’s related organisations.
“We have a home in London, New York, Brussels but we don’t have one in Addis. It’s the only major capital without our home” an inspector in State House said adding that it’s only JeJe and the PS who are now putting their fingers on the issues affecting the Mission in Addis Ababa.
Actually, we’re told because of the work of the team that’s why Uganda continues to scoop leadership of other African groupings where many ministers including Betty Amongi Ongom, Monica Musenero, Jane Aceng, Judith Nabakooba among others are now heading those line ministry respective organizations on the continent. This is in addition to other Expert level organizations such as that of Reform 10 where Uganda is also represented.
“Therefore, as you can see, Addis Ababa is about serious work not a town for leisure or those (Miss) curvy ladies. Addis is not a leisure place at all” says an Inspector.


At the time she came to parliament, Otengo was an opposition UPC but in 2011, she started falling for Museveni’s NRM. Here she came as an independent. However, when she was on the verge of joining NRM full scale, a top minister called her to break bad news to her.
“Hon. Otengo, I have heard that you want to join NRM, please don’t join. This thing is rotten and about to fall. Even me I want to quit” the minister now working in OPM is said to have said but Otengo we’re told paid little attention to it.
At the time she joined, anyone singing NRM in the north was seen as a traitor. She however, braved the storm and carried Museveni’s name there and the party as state minister for Northern Uganda.

“Those days dogs put on yellow t-shirts. Museveni’s top agents were hiding the tshirts in the rooms. It’s only Otengo who helped him and this angered people at NRM secretariat. Her eventual parliamentary seat loss was planned and managed from the secretariat” says an Inspector adding that even as she lost, she remained stuck with Museveni and ensured his votes up to now are not sabotaged.

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