
First Blind judicial Officer deployed as 43 new Grade One magistrates Appointed

Chief Registrar, Sarah Langa

In an unprecedented move, the judiciary has deployed Uganda’s first visually impaired judicial officer.

According to a communique issued by the Chief Registrar, H.W. Sarah Langa Siu, Mr Anono Willy, is among the 43 magistrates that were deployed to serve in different parts of the country in a move the judiciary says is aimed to operationalize all gazette Courts. As per the deployment list, Amono was posted to the Chambers of the Chief Registrar.

The newly deployed officers were all appointed Magistrates Grade One, while seven officers also at the same rank were transferred.

During the administration of oaths for the Judicial Officers on Thursday (December 2), the Chief Justice, Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny–Dollo, cautioned them against corrupt tendencies and laziness. “The Judiciary is not a place for the lazy and the corrupt. You must ensure that the justice you administer is in accordance with the law and the evidence.

You must resist any temptation of corruption in all its forms and you must produce timely results in accordance with your job specifications and the key performance indicators,” he said.

The Deputy Chief Justice, Richard Buteera, further warned the Magistrates against poor writing of judgments and late delivery of their decisions. “People will respect you or criticize you mainly because of your judgments.

Remember that these are public documents which will be assessed by the public, litigants and appellate courts. Therefore, develop the art and habit of consulting, reading and researching to ensure that you do the right thing,” he said.

The Chief Registrar implored the Magistrates to take to heart each word in the Judicial Oath, be the change they want to see and add value to the Judiciary.

The deployments have seen at least 13 additional Courts operationalized and more Judges having professional magistrates deployed to their chambers as research officers. The new operational courts are; Buikwe, Kyotera, Rubaare, Kyanika, Bukomasimbi, Kole, Nyarushanje, Bwizibwera and Atanga. The others are Rubindi, Kalongo, Butenga and Kazo.

Explaining the deployments, the Chief Registrar in a pre-briefing exercise with the new Judicial Officers explained as follows. “Some of you are going to work under Judges, Chief Magistrates, Grade Ones in charge of stations and others will head stations. Wherever you are posted, be available to serve and respect authority.” The new appointments bring the total number of Magistrates Grade One to 255 against the approved structure of 514.

Tags : Chief RegistrarMr Anono WillySarah Langa Siu

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