
DS Anita Roots For PWDs’ Right To Employment

Deputy speaker of parliament Anita Annet Among has observed the fact that whereas some people may have any form of disability, the same individuals remain useful to society.
She noted that as leaders, it is therefore important to identify such people with their capabilities and give them chance to showcase their potential.

“As we join the rest of the world in marking the International Day of Disabled Persons, on this day, we remind ourselves that it is important to focus on people and their capabilities instead of emphasizing their disabilities” she said in a statement she issued in respect of this noble day.

Anita noted that the strains of the Covid -19 Pandemic make it important for leaders at all levels to look out for the PWDS in communities and to safeguard them from dehumanizing acts.

“This day comes at a time when we are in the middle of the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence and creates a double reminder that violence against persons with disabilities needs to stop” she said.

She challenged leaders to ensure they give equal opportunities to PWDs at work places, adding that there are several instances where PWDs have excelled in performance than some able-bodied individuals.
“We need absorb the PWDS in our workplaces and create an equal opportunities situation for all seeking employment. As leaders, we have to formulate policies that take care of these needs and adjust our financial allocations to take care of the issues that affect PWDs” she said.

She pledged to work with the MPs representing the PWDS to address the issues that need parliament’s attention.

She also noted that as the country prepares to reopen schools, there’s need to account for all the children with disabilities and make sure that they have access to education.

Anita also had no kind words for government over it’s continued payment of rent for some buildings that she said are inaccessible to PWDs. She said such issues need to be seriously addressed as they infringe on the rights of disabled persons to access services they need among other things.

“May we all join hands to make our country a better place for everyone” she urged

Tags : Deputy SpeakerRt. Hon. Anita AmongUganda Parliament


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